The need to measure Obstetric Violence to address the Sustainable Development Goal #5 “Gender Equality”
Sign our Civil Joint Statement to urge for inclusion of respectful maternity care indicators within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals framework.

El Parto es Nuestro is a civil society organization committed to women and newborns' rights during childbirth. Concerned about the lack of disrespectful practices statistics, El Parto es Nuestro has prepared this Civil Society Statement to urge for the inclusion of respectful maternity care indicators within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals framework.
Please see the statement and if you would like to sign it, please let us know writing to by May 15th. Please indicate if you are signing as an individual or on behalf of an organization.
Here you can read the proposed indicators and the list of organizations and persons that have already signed up.
- AGEMLA-PERÚ Agrupación de GEstantes y Mujeres LActantes del Perú, Peru
- Alternatal Foundation, Hungary
- Asociación de Matronas de la Región de Murcia, Spain
- Asociación Española de Psicología Perinatal , Spain
- Asociación Galega de Matronas (AGAM), Spain
- Asociación Nacer en casa, Spain
- Asociación Naixença de Baleares, Spain
- Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services (AIMS), UK
- Association of Doulas of Hungary (MODULE), Hungary
- Association of Independent Midwives, Hungary
- Associazione "Il Melograno-centro informazione maternità e nascita" Roma, Italy
- Birth Practice and Politics Forum, United Kingdom
- Birth Rights Bar Association, USA
- Birthrights, UK
- Black Mamas Matter Alliance
- BLL- Beruffsverband vun den Laktatiounsberoderinnen zu Lëtzebuerg asbl, Luxembourg
- Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE), USA
- Childbirth Survival International, Baltimore (USA), Dallas (USA), and Africa.
- Childbirth with Dignity Foundation, Poland
- Committee for safe motherhood in Mexico, Mexico
- El Parto es Nuestro, Ecuador, Argentina, Spain
- Elephant Circle
- EMMA Association, Hungary
- ENCA – European Network of Childbirth Associations, Europe
- Every Mother Counts
- Geboortebeweging, the Dutch movement for women's rights in childbirth, Holland
- GfG BV, Germany
- Global Force for Healing, USA
- Global Pediatric Alliance
- HealthRight International, International (Cuba, Kenia, Kosovo, Mexico, Myanmar, Nepal Romania, Russia, Sri Lanka, Uganda)
- If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice
- Irish Maternity Support Network, Ireland
- Lamaze International
- Másállapotot a szülészetben! mozgalom (Changes in Maternity Care movement), Hungary
- Mothers for Mothers Association, Romania
- NANE Women's Rights Association, Hungary
- Observatorio de Violencia Obstétrica, Chile
- Observatorio de Violencia Obstétrica España, Spain
- Obstetric Violence Observatory in Italy, Italy
- PCI, a Global Communities Partner
- PETRA Maternidades Feministas, Spain
- Portuguese Association for Women's Rights in Pregnancy and Childbirth (APDMGP), Portugal
- Pryrodni Prava - Human rights in childbirth NGO in Ukraine, Ukraine
- Roda - Parents in Action, Croacia
- Safe Mother and Newborn Committee Bolivia (Mesa Nacional de Maternidad y Nacimiento Seguros), Bolivia
- Society for Feminist Analyses AnA Romania, Romania
- The Obstetric Justice Project, Canada
- White Ribbon Alliance
- Women & Health Initiative, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA